
Resolution on the Rule of Law

In the course of this year's European Presidents' Conference in Vienna on 21 February 2020, the representatives of 53 European and international lawyers' organisations adopted a resolution on the protection of the rule of law.

This resolution calls on the European institutions and national governments to make full use of the instruments at their disposal to secure and restore the independence of the judiciary and the administration of justice in Europe. The strict autonomy and independence of the Lawyers' Organisations and the legal professions, including the judiciary, must also be preserved. 

The legal professions will not remain silent in the event of breaches of the rule of law and will continue to support each other in order to face the current challenges of populism and breaches of the rule of law in a united manner. The resolution also expresses full support for members of the Polish legal professions affected by repressive disciplinary measures.

Therefore, a march of the "European Robes" will take place in Brussels from 24 to 26 June 2020 to express the commitment to the rule of law, separation of powers, an independent judiciary and fundamental rights in the heart of Europe. 

You are cordially invited to join in, in order to send a strong signal, because violations of democracy, the rule of law and the violation of fundamental rights cannot be tolerated.

You can find the resolution here:

Resolution on the Rule of Law
